5th Grade

Welcome to the 
5th Grade Resources page

Number games - link 1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 |
The number in writing | link 1 |

The Alphabet in English - link 1 | link 2 |

Days of the week - here
Months - here  

Unit 1 - Making Friends

Estrangeirismos de origem inglesa | link 1 | link 2
Aspetos culturais de países de expressão inglesa | link 1 | link 2 | link 3 |


Presenting yourself

Formal and informal greetings - | link 1 | link 2 |

The numbers in English - link 1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 |

The alphabet in English | link 1 | link 2 | link 3 |

Letters and sounds - | link 1 |

Personal pronouns - |link 1 | link 2 |


Verb "to be"  - link 1 | link 2link 3 | link 4 | link 5 | link 6 | 

Question makers: what? who? how? - link1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 |

Possessive determiners - link1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 |

Definite article / Indefinite article - link1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 |



Unit 2 – My World

Personal identification

English speaking countries

Nationalities and Countries - link 1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 | much more..

Colours - link 1 |

The use of when

Time prepositions

Days of the week / Months  - link 1 

The use of can and may - link1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 |

It's Christmas time!!!!

UNIT 3: Family 

Vocabulary - link 1 

verb "have got" -  link 1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 |

Jobs and Occupations

Jobs and work - link 1 | link 2 | link 3 |

games - link 1 | link2  | link 3 | link 4 | link 5

Singular & Plural form - link 1 | link 2

LEARN TO READ.. click here

UNIT 4: Good Looks

What are they like ? 

link 1 |  link 2 |

Describing people -

link 1 | link 2 |  link 3 |  link 4 |

UNIT 5: At home....

Vocabulary - link 1 | link 2 | link 3 | 

Games - 

There "to be"
link 1 | link 2 |

Prepositions of Place

link 1 | link 2

Omission of "the"


UNIT 6: My Favourites....
